ODONIEN RECORDS This time with a slower musical approach & an all night long bus performance ____ Limitierter VVK: https://is.gd/1N2GuI Abendkasse ab 23 Uhr geöffnet. _____ LINE UP Deep and Tech House, Progressive and Minimal House, Dark Disco SAHRA BASS, Tipping Point, Berlin NINSN, Kopfüber, Berlin
Midtempo, Slow Tech, Bass House NUAH, Tipping Point, Cologne ULLA & FABIAN PORTER, Odonien Records, Cologne DANIEL SENDER, Odonien Records, Cologne
BUS BUS BUS HYEENA, Odonien Records, Planet Sauvage, Cologne ______ On all Odonien Records Label Nights we will cover the cameras on your smartphones. By doing that we want to ensure an enjoyable atmosphere for our guests, DJs and staff. Zero tolerance for racism, sexism, homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, ableism, any kind of discrimination, violence, sexual misconduct or bullying. Respect each other and respect yourself. Respect your limits and those of other people. Respect our staff and location. If there is a problem, if you don’t feel safe or if you notice a person who needs help, please reach out: Talk to the people around you and inform the bar staff or bouncer at any time. ______________________________________________ NO PHONE CLUB - Im Club gilt absolutes Fotoverbot |