EhrenKlub in Odonien #13
Lineup (A - Z): * DORUKSEN * ISABELLE BEAUCAMP * JAZZY * LUKAS MEUNIER * PARALICH - All Night Long - Bus hosted by: * Akøsh & Lutzemann
◉ Blind Tickets: 15€ SOLD OUT! ◉ Early Bird: 19€ + VVK * Kein Mindestverzehr ◉ Phase 1: 21€ + VVK * Kein Mindestverzehr ◉ Phase 2: 23€ + VVK * Kein Mindestverzehr
If you are affected by discrimination, feeling the line being crossed or you can't deal with a situation, turn to the ones around you or to the Awareness Team. We will have 2 mobile teams who you can identify by the red lights.The Awareness Team can support you in conflicts, has a sympathetic ear and helps you to find a solution. Stay safe!