9 Years 200 · Aril Brikha Live · 200 Rave Legends

Sam 21.04.18



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Aril Brikha Extended Live Set (Art of Vengeance)
Sebastian Habben
Alex Aue
Sebastian Kratzke
Robin Feldmann
Dirk Middeldorf

20 Years now Aril Brikha is traveling around the world with one mission: spreading the idea of Trance for Adults. With a wink, he wants to enhance a genre, which is on the menus of the connoisseurs not so often. Of course, his music is not really trance. To be honest we can’t even say, whether this is techno or house. But who cares? We don’t. We are celebrating 9 Years 200 in Cologne’s famous underground off-location „Odonien“.